14 August 2010

Love versus Like: Introduction

God likes us. God loves us too, but for the moment I want to focus on the fact that God actually likes. Both these concepts are important, but the understanding that God really does like us seems to get ignored.
Something that I should mention at the beginning is that I am huge on semantics, or what words mean. This can be a problem because I often argue against someone when we are really saying the same thing. We are arguing because the other person is not saying it the same way I do and I just won't let it go. In that, I tend to miss the big picture. That said, there are moments where my focus on semantics comes in handy; this is one of them. So, to begin, I am going to define (sort of) love and like, at least as I understand the terms. If you disagree, that's okay, because these are my definitions and for the purpose of you being able to understand what I mean when I say love or like.
Love and like are inherently different from each other. In my opinion, these terms tend to get mashed together into different levels of the same idea. However, they are not the same thing at all, but deal with quite different concepts. What are those concepts, or categories?

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